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Why You Should Clean Up Dead Leaves

Clearing the dead leaves on your lawn may well be something that falls into this category for you, especially since, during fall and winter, it seems no sooner have you cleared the leaves that a whole new batch falls, making it seem a never ending battle.

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Got Mosquitoes?

Does your yard seem to have a lot of mosquitoes? Are you getting bit? If so, you probably have some stagnant or standing water sources nearby that is attracting mosquitoes to your yard.

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Potassium Humate Function And Benefit

There are many ways to have a greener lawn and a more productive garden. Adding soil supplements can help but which ones are good to choose for overall benefits? Walk down any garden store isle and anyone would be overwhelmed with all of the choices in soil additives.

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How to Fix Holes in Your Lawn

Fill the hole with topsoil and firm it down then reseed it as if it were a bald patch. In removing the plugs of soil from your lawn this process severs roots, rhizomes and stolons. The affects of this stimulate your grass to produce new shoots and roots that will fill in the holes and increase the density of your lawn.

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What Is The Best Height To Cut My Grass? Why?

When it comes to cutting your grass do you know the proper height it should be cut? Caring for your garden can be a lot more complicated that it seems it would be on paper. You have to keep on top of raking leaves in fall, make sure pests and weeds aren’t taking over, make sure you aerate your lawn once a year. The list goes on and on.

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How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn?

The outside of your home can be just as, if not more, important than the inside. A well-maintained lawn can be a big part of keeping your house looking attractive and clean. A little bit can go a long way in proving you care for your home and even your neighborhood.

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